Planetary Model

Toy and Learning Material Suggestions
Our lovely Solar System Planetary Model is the learning material for our Juniors tied to this
theme. Please visit the Sunshine Home Books and Toys Store at Ruijing Mall to view a sample.
This material helps your children enhance their cognitive skills, use their creativity and get a
hands-on experience by paint and place model planets in their order from the Sun.

Here are some ways to have fun exploring this topic with your children.
• Talk to your children about our place in the universe, the Solar System that comprises
of the eight planets and their moons, our galaxy, the constellations, comets and asteroids.
• Discuss how the eight planets have specific characteristics that make them unique. For
example, Jupiter is the biggest and has huge storms called the Great Red Spot. Earth is the
only planet where life is possible because of land, water and air.
• Introduce Pluto, a dwarf planet that is almost a planet… but not quite!

Additional Learning Tips
Young children have curious minds and are constantly learning by exploring their environment.
Between the ages of three and five, our children begin to develop a picture of the Solar
System and start to learn the names of the planets. Sharing general facts about the celestial
bodies in space gives them a better understanding of our place in the universe.
• Let your child quiz you about the planets. Which is the biggest planet? Which planet is
closest to the sun? Which is the coldest planet? You might have to some research!
• Introduce the idea of gravity. Discuss why astronauts float in space and how the Earth’s
gravitational pull keeps everything on Earth from floating into space.
• Discuss the Earth’s moon, a natural satellite that rotates on its axis around the Earth. Talk
about the phases of the Moon (new moon, crescent, half-moon and full moon).
• Let your child share ideas about what she wants to do when she grows up: “Do you want
to be an astronaut? A scientist?” Encourage your budding scientists!
• Read some of the many fascinating books related to space that are available for young
Thanks for allowing us to share a few suggestions that will help you guide your children through
the Outer Space theme. We hope you find them fruitful and useful!