Healthy Eating Habits

The best way to get your child off to a healthy start with his food choices is by making healthy choices together as a family.


You can start by going grocery shopping together, and even preparing meals together at home. Discuss your food plans together, giving your child his choice of healthy foods: “what kind of vegetables would you like with dinner today?”

You can also help him learn about the importance of variety and moderation by letting him choose one type of carbohydrate or starchy food: “if we have bread tonight, we can wait until tomorrow to have rice.” 

Strict rules against certain foods can seem unfair to your child, and may make him want them even more. Instead of saying “no soda,” offer a choice between water or milk at dinner; instead of saying “no fast food,” let him pick a place to eat once a week.


You can also make it easier to choose healthy snacks by keeping fruits and vegetables in the house at all times, and limiting the amount of junk food in your home.

Have meals together as a family whenever possible, eating slowly and mindfully—this means no screens! Don’t use food as a reward (dessert) or punishment (forcing your child to clean his plate). Instead, help your child to recognize feelings of fullness and respond accordingly by encouraging him to wait 15 minutes before getting a second helping.

Developing healthy eating habits is just like developing any other healthy habit—it requires repetition, consistency, and, of course, a good role model.

To read more, enter the number of the article

1.Camp Introduction    

2.Childrens Day

3.A Story from Teacher Melissa                

4.Children-Parents Field Day

5.Teacher Training Day                             

6.How to Help a Crying Child   

International Sunshine Home is Xiamen’s premier bilingual Arts and Sciences pre-school.  Our qualified teachers and small class sizes help your child grow up in  a safe and happy environment. We welcome you to visit us in person to find out more. Simply reply to our WeChat and send us your name and your child’s name along with your phone number.