Arts and Children’s Day Themed Learning Package

The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse & Musical Zippy Mat  


We’ve selected a learning package comprised of a creative book and a musical learning material perfect to help your sophomore enjoy the theme of Arts and Children’s Day


Book Review:
The Artist who painted a blue horse is the book for your little sophomore. This beautiful picture book depicts the beauty of nature through the eyes of the painter.

The painter paints a blue horse, which might look weird in the eyes of a common person. But for the painter, a blue horse is not weird! Through his painting, he wants to convey the message that no color is wrong.

If we look at any picture through the eyes of a little child, everything looks beautiful and creative! Even a green lion in the forest or the bright yellow cow grazing in the fields look awesome!

Therefore, the story encourages children to use their imagination to create their own colors and create their own colorful animals!



The main purpose of the book is to:

• Help children appreciate the beauty of Art;
• Help children learn new vocabulary related to Art;
• Develop good listening skills;
• Develop imaginative and creative skills;
• Reading together helps to develop a stronger parent-child bond;



About the material:
Musical Zippy mat or Jam mat is awesome musical learning material for your bubbly sophomore.

This material will help to inspire your child to develop an interest in music. The zippy mat is comprised of two different musical instruments, a set of five drums with a cymbal and a piano.

This material helps to boost your child’s knowledge pertaining to musical instruments in a fun manner, without having to purchase expensive musical instruments!



The main purpose of the learning material is to:

• Help students appreciate Art;
• Help students enhance eye-hand coordination and fine motor skill;
• Help students learn the names of different musical instruments;
• Enjoy and appreciate music.



Enjoy the theme of Arts and Children’s Day with a complete package of awesome materials from Sunshine Home!


Customer survey::
We invite parents to leave feedback on our learning packages so that we are able to improve our products and services. Every month we will draw three lucky customers to receive a free workshop at a value of 150 yuan! The winner list will be published along the next material guides.