Outer Space Themed Learning Package

| Starry Sky  & 3D puzzle and flashcards on space


We’ve selected a learning package comprised of an interesting book and a hands-on- material perfect for your senior to enjoy the Outer space theme.


Book Review:
Starry Sky is the book for your senior. The story is about a camping trip in which two children go along with their grandpa to observe the stars on a dark starry night.

This story becomes more interesting when children read about how lucky grandpa and his grandkids were to get a chance to watch the constellations. As children read the story, they get to know about the movement of the stars in the sky.

They also learn about different types of constellations. This is a brilliant book and it helps to introduce astronomy to children!



The main purposes of the book are:
• Enrichment of vocabulary;
• Help students learn and understand constellations;
• Help students learn important facts about stars;
• Develop a stronger parent-child bond.



About the material:

3D puzzle on Solar System and picture flashcards on space is the creative hands-on learning material for your senior. This wonderful material will give your child the bird’s eye view about the Solar system.

As your child assembles the pieces of the puzzle together, they will get a tactile as well as visual impression of the position of the planets in space. They will learn the names of the planets and understand their special characteristics.

Along with the puzzle, is a set of picture flashcards on space which will help your child enrich their vocabulary.




The main purposes of the learning material are to:
• Help students enhance fine motor skills and eye-hand co-ordination;
• Help students enhance creative, spatial and cognitive skills;
• Help students learn about the planets and their distance from the sun;
• Help students understand that planets orbit around the Sun;
• Help students get a visual impression of the Solar System.



Enjoy the Outer space theme with a complete package of awesome materials from Sunshine Home!



Customer survey:
We invite parents to leave feedback on our learning packages so that we are able to improve our products and services. Every month we will draw three lucky customers to receive a free workshop at a value of 150 yuan! The winner list will be published along the next material guides.