Outer Space Themed Learning Package| Alien Day & NASA La

We’ve selected a learning package comprised of a picture book and a hands-on-learning material perfect for helping your little junior enjoy the theme of Outer space.


Book Review:

Alien Day is the book for your junior. The story is about a lost alien who meets a human boy.

The alien gets an idea of what the human life looks like. He meets the boy’s friends and they spend a great time together!

The pictures in the book are full of details, which helps to cultivate their observation skills!




The main purposes of the book are to:

• Enrich vocabulary and learn new words from the story;
• Help children develop empathy and a sense of belongingness;
• Help students understand aliens;
• Help parents and child build a stronger bond;
• Help children appreciate the world in which they live.



About the learning materials:
NASA Launch Pad is the creative learning material for your junior. This hands-on material is wonderful and it helps children learn and understand different terms related to space.

Children can design their own space launch pad. As your child plays with the material, they will learn about astronauts and space crafts



The main purposes of the learning material are to:
• Enhance creative and imaginative skills;
• Design a space launch pad;
• Learn more about Outer space;
• Refinement of eye-hand coordination and spatial skills



Enjoy the theme of Outer space with a complete package of awesome materials from Sunshine Home!



Customer survey:
We invite parents to leave feedback on our learning packages so that we are able to improve our products and services. Every month we will draw three lucky customers to receive a free workshop at a value of 150 yuan! The winner list will be published along the next material guides.