Editor Letter | A Letter to Laura’s Mom
Dear Laura’s mom,

Thanks for your letter, I’m happy to hear from you!You asked two important questions:


1. How long is enough sleep time for a child, and;
2. How hard should you push Laura to be on time for school in the morning?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is a non-profit organization of pediatricians that has a great set of recommendations for total daily sleep.


Here’s what they have to say about total sleep per 24 hours (including naps) for optimal health.

Up to 12 months old 12 to 16 hours

1 to 2 years of age 11 to 14 hours 

3 to 5 years of age 10 to 13 hours  

6 to 12 years of age 9 to 12 hours

You can read more by following the link at the end of my letter.




Of course, it’s really important to remember that a specific child might have a wider range in terms of sleeping hours. 


IfLaura has the right energy level throughout the day and the week and she is otherwise healthy, she should be fine.

If Laura is happy and energetic, a detailed sleep diary is not really necessary. 


But if she seems tired and lethargic for an extended number of days, by all means make a sleep tracker to see if she’s getting enough quality sleep.



Your second question implies that you wonder if it’s important for Laura to be on time for kindergarten? 


The short answer is:“Yes!”


Children need a clear routine and daily pattern so that they feel safe and comfortable exploring a world that can be big, new and scary. 




In addition, classestypically start at 9:00a.m. with a group activity. 


If a child comes in at 9:15 a.m., she or he might feel excluded because everyone else is already involved in a fun activity. 



Also, 15 minutes of class time per day adds up quickly. 


Think of it this way -- a quarter hour in the morning translates to more than an hour per week or 50 hours per year of lost class!

I know how hard it is to wake up a soundly sleeping child. 


A child needs motivation to wake up and a solid routine can help. So how can you build a morning routine that helps Laura be on time? 


First of all,plan with Laura and prepare as much as possible on the prior nigh. 


For example, let Laura choose each evening what clothes she will wear and what breakfast she will eat tomorrow.




I find it helpful to make a checklist for my morning routine with our kids.


Here’s a typical checklist for us:


1. Play a song or audio book chosen by Judy or Luke;
2. Cuddle for a while and chat about the upcoming day; 
3. Brush teeth;
4. Put on ourclothes for the day, and;
5. Buy a snack on the walk to school. 



Make a simple three-to-five step check list with Laura and then stick to it. 


Also, please remember to be creative as she matures over time. She might surprise you!

Last but not least, allow for enough time so that, if Laura has a rough morning or a tantrum, you still have enough wiggle room to be at school on time. Try to understand Laura and deal with her emotions. 




And if you do have a tough morning and you’re late, remember that tomorrow is a new start and a new opportunity to try again.


Email your input and help us help our students. Thanks!



View the corresponding content by sending number 

1. Summer Camp in 2017   
2. Children's Day in 2019  
3. Merry Christmas in 2018    
4. Spring Field Trip in 2019  
5. Teachers' Training Day in 2019   
6. Reviewing Information of The Flashcards


International Sunshine Home is Xiamen’s premier bilingual Arts and Sciences pre-school.  Our qualified teachers and small class sizes help your child grow up in  a safe and happy environment.


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