Raising a Bilingual Child


“A different language is a different vision of life.” -- Federico Fellini, Italian film director


Knowing a second or third language opens up a world of opportunities: better cognitive abilities, expanded job opportunities and insight into another culture. Fortunately for everyone, children at Sunshine Home are just the right age to be exposed to another language and immersed in an English setting during class hours.



According to Barbara Zurer Pearson, author of Raising a Bilingual Child, learning a second language is easier for children than adults. “Learning a second language is easier for children under 10, and even easier for children under five,” she writes.



While some may argue that dual language learning may confuse children, it is actually quite the opposite. In fact, Ms. Pearson notes that the best time to be exposed to a new language is anywhere from birth to three years of age, when children are still learning their first language.


“The earlier [children] are introduced to a second language, the easier it will be for them to pick it up,” according to Naomi Steiner, a developmental and behavioral pediatrician.



One legitimate concern that parents raise is the fear that exposure to multiple languages will cause speech delays. While this may sometimes be the case, it is not a cause for worry. Children are absorbing a lot of information in a short time and may need some extra time to process and differentiate between the languages. Once they start speaking fluently, they will have a better grasp of both languages at the same time.



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