Great Books for Early Readers

Whether your child is an avid, reluctant, beginner or advanced reader, great book options exist for all kinds of emergent readers.




HarperCollins Publishers have a range of choices in its “I Can Read” series of books, which includes a variety of childhood favorites tailored for different reading levels. Popular characters such as the Berenstain Bears, Amelia Bedelia, Flat Stanley and Danny the Dinosaur appear in a wide range of topics. Whether it’s family, making friends,




conflicts and changes, birthdays or  chores, your children are bound to find something that interests them!




Prior to the first level of “I Can Read” books is an introduction to reading, intended for parents reading to their children. The next step is shared reading, with basic language and repetition to help your child recognize key words as she reads along with mom or dad. 




Children who are eager to read on their own can try out Level One Beginner Reading books, which feature short sentences and familiar words and concepts.




HarperCollins’ level two is called Reading with Help and it’s geared toward children who want more of a challenge but who still need guidance sounding out new words. Level three is entitled Reading Alone and it’s intended for children who feel ready to read on their own about new topics. The fourth level is Advanced Reading and it includes books written in paragraphs and chapters.




In order to interest a child who is a frustrated or unmotivated reader, provide several topics and characters from which to choose. Help your child with difficult words in order to prevent frustration but keep her challenged as well to prevent boredom. 


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