When is “Baby Fat” too Fat?

Chubby cheeks and bellies are a normal and endearing quality in babies. On the one hand, several studies suggest that an adult has the greatest risk of being overweight if they were overweight as a child before the age of 11. On the other hand, children typically outgrow their “baby fat” by the time they reach their adolescent years.



A chubby toddler is such a common occurrence that it’s difficult to tell if a child’s extra weight is just excess baby fat or a genuine cause for concern. So how can parents separate normal pudginess from being truly overweight?


By the age of two, it is possible for a child to be clinically overweight. When it comes to measuring weight, you can calculate your child’s body mass index (BMI) to find out if your child is considered overweight, which is usually defined as being above the 85th percentile.



However, it’s important to use the number as one data point among several factors to consider, including the weight of the parents, initial birth weight, natural growth curve and feeding habits. 


Consult your pediatrician if it appears your child may be truly overweight. She or he will almost certainly recommend that your family implement healthy eating and exercise habits early on in life.



Additionally, bear in mind that feeding should not be the go-to solution for an upset infant or toddler. While a child may be upset because he is hungry, consider other possible factors in which a nap or soothing touch may be sufficient.  


As your child ages, monitor her weight without turning the issue into a fight or an ongoing battle. Putting a child or teenager on a weight-loss diet can be unhealthy for both their physical development and their self-esteem.



At all ages, it’s essential to choose foods wisely. For growing children, focus more on the quality of food rather than quantity. Stay away from highly-processed foods and drinks as well as snacks and beverages that contain added sugar. While that’s easy to say and hard to do, it’s the best way to give your children a chance to become a healthy adult!