Anti-Terrorist and Anti-Riot Drills at Sunshine Home
 Anti-Terrorist and Anti-Riot Drills

On the morning of November 22, 2019, Sunshine Home Kindergarten organized an anti-terrorist and anti-riot drill. 


Our aim was to practice maintaining a safe social environment, keeping order on our campus, ensuring the safety of teachers and children’s lives and property, and maintaining social and political stability. 


These ensuring the accomplishment of these aims are all important for the education of our children.



Before the drill, the principal made arrangements in advance and formulated the drill plan. 


The teachers gave a lesson to children about anti-terrorism in class to improve teachers and children’s self-protection and self-rescue abilities. 


The drill simulated a scene in which violent terrorists come to attack the campus. 


At 10: 00am, the moment when the children were going to eat snacks, a “rioter” (a disguise worn by one of our own security guards) was trying to break into our campus by passing the school gate. 





The security guard immediately blew the whistle, and quickly picked up an anti-riot shield and an anti-riot steel fork – among other things – to fight against the “rioter”. An emergency response plan against terrorism and rioting was launched at once. 




The principal broadcasted and notified teachers to quickly return all children to their classrooms in an orderly manner, to lock doors and windows, and to set obstacles (such as desks and chairs) in the corridor and the entrance of the classroom to prevent the “rioter” from breaking into the classroom.


Golden Country


The teacher on duty immediately dialed 110 to call the police, and blew the whistle to alert other classes. 


The principal and other school leaders immediately joined in fighting against the “rioter” and eventually successfully expelled the “rioter” within 3 minutes. 




The whole drill was accomplished as expected, as it was comprehensive, tense, realistic and well organized with a clear division of work.




We will continue to create and improve our response plans to new and ever-changing situations as they arise. 


We will continue improve the school's emergency handling capacity and ensure that we can promptly and effectively deal with situations and minimize hazards in case of any major emergency event.   



The whole drill was successfully accomplished as planned. 


Through this anti-terrorist and anti-riot drill, security guards, teachers and students acquired greater awareness of anti-terrorist and anti-riot safety. 


This event also strengthened children and teachers’ ability to rapidly respond to emergencies, to make use of escape methods and to protect themselves wherever danger lurks.

View the corresponding content by sending number 

1. Summer Camp in 2017   
2. Children's Day in 2019  
3. Merry Christmas in 2018    
4. Spring Field Trip in 2019  
5. Teachers' Training Day in 2019   
6. Reviewing Information of The Flashcards


International Sunshine Home is Xiamen’s premier bilingual Arts and Sciences pre-school.  Our qualified teachers and small class sizes help your child grow up in  a safe and happy environment.


We welcome you to visit us in person to find out more. Simply reply to our WeChat and send us your name and your child’s name along with your phone number.