Lakeside’s Children’s Day Performance




哇,猎豹班的宝宝们表现太棒了,我们Juniors的小朋友当然也不甘示弱了。河马班的小朋友为大家带来歌曲《虫儿飞》和《Walking in the Jungle》




狮子班小朋友带来了《身体音节歌》和《One Little Finger》。




兔子班小朋友为我们带来《小星星》和《The Wheels on the Bus》



还有美丽的飞飞老师为我们带来歌曲《Born This Way》,她目前是会展校区和瑞景校区的音乐老师,也将是我们湖边校区的音乐老师。








在此感谢家长们长期以来的大力支持和理解,也感谢孩子们和老师们的辛勤付出和努力,感谢厦门兔 熊儿童运动馆和汇声演出器材有限公司对我们活动的支持及赞助。

June is one of the most exciting times of the year! Here at Lakeside we held our very first Children’s Day! Not only was this big day tons of fun for the kids, but it brought happiness to everyone lucky enough to be in attendance.




As a new school, it’s true we didn’t have as much time for rehearsals as we’d like. But our students showed us just how brilliant they are by being able to put on a brilliant and fun day of performances anyway!  




The first class on stage was our little Cheetahs. Our youngest students surprised us all with just how cute and lovely they are.




Our Juniors quickly stole the show. The Hippos class performed two beautiful songs, “Lovely Bugs Fly” and “Walking in the Jungle.” Then Lions class showed off their sweet voices while singing “Body Syllables Song” and “One Little Finger.” The Bunnies class then sang “Little Stars” and “The Wheels on The Bus.”



But students weren’t the only singers! The amazing Teacher Feifei also sang “Born This Way” on the stage. She is currently the music teacher at Seaside and Ruijing, and will soon begin teaching a class at Lakeside too!




What we were most anticipating, though, was the parent-child fashion show! The audience was dazzled by the beautiful matching outfits that were carefully designed and chosen by our children and their parents. It was lovely to see so many of our parents and children happily gathered together on the stage. It was a great project to help strengthen parent-child bonding, as well as a way to give children a chance to express themselves with confidence before their friends and family. 




A huge thanks goes out to all of the parents for their support and understanding, and to all the teaching staff and children for their preparation and efforts. Lastly, thank you to Xiamen Rabbit & Bear Kids Sports Club and Huisheng Performance Equipment Co. Ltd. for the support and sponsorship!