Learning Math at Home

While there is great value in formal math instruction, young learners benefit most from their daily encounters with real-world math. Here are some fun and interesting games and activities you can do with your children to keep them entertained and to teach them basic math skills at the same time.

Count and sort

Collect a basket full of figurines, shells, pebbles or buttons. Count each type of object. Sort the items based on size, color, or function (i.e., cars in one pile, dinosaurs in another). 

Getting home

Teach your children their address and your phone number. Explain that each apartment has a number, and that the apartment is part of a series, each with its own number.

Picture time

Use an hourglass or egg timer and time brief activities of one to three minutes. Help your child develop a sense of time and to understand that some things take longer than others.

Big on blocks

Stacking and manipulating wooden blocks is a great way to learn about shapes and their relationships: two triangles form a square. Nesting boxes and cups help them understand the how different sized objects relate to each other.

Pattern play

Let children arrange beads, dry pasta, or different beans in different patterns or designs. Supervise your child carefully to prevent choking and put everything away safely when finished. 

Laundry learning

Household jobs can be fun and educational! While sort the laundry, ask your child to make a pile of shirts and a pile of socks. Ask which pile is bigger? Then count them together. Can your child match two socks? How many socks? How many pairs?

Graphing games

When children reach the age of three, make a weekly chart where your child can add a sticker when it rains or is sunny. At the end of the week, which column has more stickers? Guess together, then count to find out the answer!

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2.Childrens Day

3.A Story from Teacher Melissa                

4.Children-Parents Field Day

5.Teacher Training Day                             

6.How to Help a Crying Child   

International Sunshine Home is Xiamen’s premier bilingual Montessori school. Our qualified teachers and small class sizes help your child grow up in a safe and happy environment. We welcome you to visit us in person to find out more. Simply reply to our WeChat and send us your name and your child’s name along with your phone number.

Contact Us

Phone: 4008225563
WeChat: SunshineHomeXM
Address:  85-1 Huizhan Nansan Road

        25-4 Hongwen Yili, Ruijing New Village
