Benefits of Drinking Water

Water is the main component of the human body. Adequate and regular water consumption has numerous health benefits. The amount of water you consume everyday plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body.


We must drink eight to ten glasses of water each day to maintain day health. Water helps to keep the body well hydrated, this is important as every cell in the body needs water to function properly.



Here are some health benefits of drinking water:
â–ª Relieves fatigue: Inadequate consumption of water makes the body function less efficiently. Fatigue is the first sign of dehydration.


â–ª Improves mood: Mild dehydration can negatively affect your mood and ability to think.


â–ª Treats Headaches and Migraines: Headaches and migraines are caused by dehydration, the first thing you can do to get some relief is to drink plenty of water.



â–ª Helps in digestion and constipation: Drinking sufficient water boosts up your metabolism and helps your body to properly break down food.


â–ª Aids weight loss: Drinking plenty of water increases the rate at which the body burns fat and promotes the breakdown of fat cells.


â–ª Flushes out toxins: Water is an excellent detoxifier as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste through sweat and urine. It also promoted kidney function and reduces kidney stones.


Water is a boon for us! Let’s all promise to save every drop of it.
 Drink enough water and remain healthy and fit.