Phonics Explained: Phonological Awareness

At Sunshine Home, we begin your child’s education of phonics by teaching about the sounds in oral language that include syllables, rhymes, and the smallest single sounds. These sounds are known as phonemes. The ability to pay attention to and talk about the sounds in words is known as phonological awareness. It becomes important when children begin to learn about how sounds match to letters – or phonics. Here are the ways that we teachers play an important role in helping your child develop phonological awareness:



• Using the following method to introduce long words: “Helicopter is a long word. Let’s say it slowly and clap the syllables in it. Now let’s say it fast.”

• Clapping the syllables in peoples’ names to find out who has the longest name.

• Counting the letters in peoples’ names. The one with the most syllables may not have the most letters!



• Teaching to recite and sing poems, nursery rhymes, and songs. Once they are familiar, pause before rhyming words to see if children can supply what is missing.

• Reading alphabet books with your child and take the time to talk about the pictures that begin with the sound of the letters. Say things like: “Moon starts with M. Listen mmmmmmoon (emphasizing and stretching out the first sound). Can you find something else that starts with that sound?”



 Looking for examples of alliteration or tongue twisters in songs and poems such as Suzy Sells seashells down by the seashore. Help children to repeat, but also take the time to talk about how the words are alike: “These words all start with the ssssss sound.”


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