My Work


I took my child for an indoor activity because it was raining one weekend; we went to the children's playground in the mall and chose to participate in glue painting.


There was a boy about 5 years old and his mother sitting opposite us. During the course, both sides of table had quite different scenes.



On our side, we were painting quietly and, as a parent, I observed quietly and offered help whenever my child needed it. For example, when the glue was about to drop on the ground or paint rubbed on my child’s face, help was offered without interrupting the activities as much as possible.



The boy on the opposite side of the table was quiet the entire time; he didn't enjoy painting and didn’t want to get involved. His mother always said, "Listen to me", “the color is not right”, “the position is not right”, “there is too much paint”. Everything the boy did was strictly controlled.


With great effort, we finally finished painting. The boy noticed our abstract work and spoke softly with no confidence, "You did not paint it correctly." But little boy, your envious eyes have betrayed your heart.


This work has nothing to do with correct or not correct, it's mine, and that's enough.