As children gain

As children gain understanding in the sensorial area of the classroom, the work becomes more refined. For example, a three year old will work on their visual sense by sorting different pictures by color. 


This is also the beginning of geometry work. As children become more comfortable with shapes we will use materials such as the constructive triangles to help children develop the understanding of how different shapes with straight sides are made up of triangles.


Tracy, a four year old is working with the color tablets. These include seven tablets of the same color but each of a different shade. Tracy must grade the tablets from light to dark. This is just one example of how the grading work for all the senses becomes more refined and detailed as children develop and progress.


We also begin to introduce three-dimensional shapes (e.g., a sphere, cube, cylinder, etc.) using materials such as the geometric solids. Jerry, a four year old takes out three shapes at a time, exploring their properties. Then he puts them in a bag and, without looking, uses his hands to feel the solid shapes and guess which one he is holding.